This elaborate two-story Italianate city hall also housed an opera house and a jail. The brick building is highlighted with a domed belfry at the corner, an elaborate pressed-metal pediment over a bold name and date tablet, triple round-arched windows lighting the auditorium on the second story, and pedimented windows in the one-bay shallow side pavilions. The central section of the first floor has a modest storefront beside two segmental-arched windows and the side pavilions have double doors below fanlights. Behind the building on W. Church Street the former Ahavath Chesed Synagogue (c. 1913) is a Romanesque Revival–influenced building fronted by a one-story arcaded portico with brick piers resting on a cast-stone low wall. Inside, a stairway on each side of the small lobby ascends to a small mezzanine and the spacious two-story sanctuary has a rear balcony.