Atop a knoll overlooking a view of beautiful countryside and the somewhat less inspiring sight of a shopping mall, the picturesque cemetery is the only family burial ground known to have a group of early-nineteenth-century gravestones attributed to Laurence Krone. Like other stones by Krone (see WY18), they have the serrated “piecrust” edging and curvilinear motifs, here featuring a tulip, a sun-flower, or a fern. However, on some of these headstones for a Scots-Irish family, Krone departed from his usual German-influenced motifs to employ a Tudor rose and flanking columns.
The shopping mall (1989, McCarty, Hosaple and McCarty), designed by a Knoxville, Tennessee, firm, is composed of one- and two-story buildings accented with the type of small pyramidal-roofed towers frequently used on late-twentieth-century commercial buildings, here designed to be visible to potential customers driving along Interstates 81 and 77.