This large and elaborate Queen Anne house exemplifies the prestigious residential neighborhood centered on lower Atkinson Street. Opened for development in the 1880s, the district was a favored location for the showplace houses and carriage barns of Rockingham's professionals and captains of industry. Convenient to downtown and the mills on the Island, after 1892 it was serviced by the Bellows Falls and Saxtons River Street Railway. Once the vacant lots were filled, older buildings were moved or demolished to make room for newer and more ambitious houses. This was the case with Dr. A. L. Miner, who acquired an entire block of Atkinson Street in 1899. Occupying the only commercial block in the vicinity, he opened his office in a former music store at the corner of Atkinson and Henry streets and tore down the rest of the row to make room for a mansion and carriage barn. The two-and-a-half-story house is a study in undulating and jettied wood-shingled massing with expansive porches beneath a high slate hipped roof with metal crestings. Above the pediment-marked entrance bay of the first-floor veranda rises a second-story porch with bulbous supports, while a third-floor closed gable enfolds a concave balcony. A circular pavilion at the north end of the veranda is balanced to the south by a three-story tower that turns from cylinder to octagon as it rises. The result is a rich sampler of the Queen Anne variety that typifies the neighborhood.