Rufus Scott of Vernon purchased this two-hundred-acre sheep farm in 1845, remaking it into a productive dairy farm after wool growing declined. By 1860, he had fifty cows producing enough milk for three hundred pounds of cheese and five hundred pounds of butter annually. The one-and-a-half-story cow barn he built reflects his success as well as local barn building practice. Unlike farmers farther north and following practice in southeastern Vermont, Scott built a bank barn with cow stables in the basement story, rather than with raised stables and a manure basement. Sheathed in board-and-batten and roofed in small pieces of black slate quarried in nearby Guilford, the barn has its entrance at the north gable end, where double sliding doors topped by a multilight transom lead into the raised haymow. The ground-floor stables are accessed through a similar doorway at the downhill gable end.
In 1908, Frederick Holbrook II of Boston acquired most of the farm to add to Naulakha (WH36), where he lived. He then built a gambrel-roofed horse barn (1911), a large one-hundred-stall cow barn (1916), and other wood-frame buildings to support his farming activities. Holbrook also planted apple orchards, which eventually totaled more than eighty acres and produced some forty thousand bushels annually, causing him to convert the newer barn into an apple-packing house. In the late twentieth century, Holbrook's grandson left the property to the Landmark Trust to complement its stewardship of Naulakha.