SAH Archipedia uses terms from the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) to categorize and classify metadata for the entries in the database. For more information on the Getty AAT, click here

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Indian Knoll
No description available for this term.

Existing, constituted, or carried on between different nations.

International Style (modern European architecture style)
Refers to the style of architecture that emerged in Holland, France, and Germany after World War I and spread throughout the world, becoming the dominant architectural style until the 1970s. The style is characterized by an emphasis on volume over mass, the use of lightweight, mass-produced, industrial materials, rejection of all ornament and color, repetitive modular forms, and the use of flat surfaces, typically alternating with areas of glass.

No description available for this term.

Refers to the artwork produced by any member of the North American Indian tribes speaking a language of the Iroquoian family, notably the Cayuga, Cherokee, Huron, Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, and Tuscarora, in addition to the Iroquois proper. The name Iroquois is a French derivation of Irinakhoiw, meaning "rattlesnakes." They call themselves Hodenosaunee, meaning "people of the longhouse." The Iroquoian linguistic groups occupied a continuous territory around Lakes Ontario, Huron, and Erie, in present-day New York state and Pennsylvania and southern Ontario and Quebec.

Italian Medieval styles
Styles belonging to Italian Medieval cultures.

Italian Renaissance revival
No description available for this term.

Italian Villa Style
A version of the Italianate style, usually restricted to domestic architecture and including a tall tower.

Italianate (North American architecture styles)
A mid-19th-century North American residential architecture style, often featuring a low-pitched hipped roof topped by a belvedere.

Refers to the style and period that developed after the conquest of Constantinople by the armies of the Fourth Crusade in 1204 and lasted into the early 14th century. The style is particularly evident in southern and central Italy, and was fertilized by the import of Byzantine portable objects, by Greek artists in Italy, and by western artists returning from Byzantine territiories. Italo-Byzantine style is characterized by the merging of Byzantine themes, figural types, and decorative elements with Hellenistic-Roman illusionism, Gothic fluency of line, and local Italian traditions.
